Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I'm feeling completely happy! I wanna thank Life for this that's going on in my life.

My best friend is coming to visit me in 14 days and there's nothing that can make my happiness fly away. I'm hoping to spend and awesome and unfrogettable time together, 'cuz I think we both deserve it!

I can't believe how time flies so fast!!!! I can easily remember, if we go back in time, exactly 6 months ago, it was just a plan flying in our minds, and now it's just only 14 days left to see each other once again, and share two great and super awesome weeks together, that's gonna stay in our hearts and minds forever. To be sincere, I've never expected this to happen, but right now, I'm really excited about it!

It's impresionant how your life can change just with a 'Yes', I mean, just a word can make you incredibly happy.

Victoria, I really wanna thank you for making of my life, the happiest life ever!! For being such a great best friend, you're one of those who I know that will last forever and ever. Our friendship will never end... And we can definitely prove it, 'cuz life situations have put us apart from each other for almost 2 years, and now, we're having the opportunity of sharing two weeks of our lives in the capital of the United States, what do u think of that? I mean, doesn't it sound like incredibly awesome and great and fun?? Of course it does!!!!

I can't even wait!! 336 hours and you'll be right here with me, having fun, and recording unforgettable memories in our minds... That's what I call 'Best Friends Memories'.

You know only pretty well the excellent friend you are, all that you mean to me, and everything you'll always mean. I wanna let u know, that no one's gonna tear this beautiful friendship apart.. 'cuz I know you're my friend sent from Heaven to be my best friend forever. I wanna thank you for all the trust you have in me, and you know I trust you with my life and I know you'll never let u down, as soon as I'm conscious that you'll never do. You're that friend who I can talk about whatever and never stop... We always have something to talk about, that's what makes us close... Best Friends Chemistry.

07-21-2010 Forever.


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