Thursday, October 24, 2013


Well, hey there people, it's been quite a long time since I wrote here for the last time... Oh God, many things happened. I graduated from high school, and I began university... I'll be your future nutritionist!
I met this wonderful guy who is my actual boyfriend, the first real one. We've been together from 8 months already, and there's not a day I don't get to love him a little bit more, he's a sweetheart and a real man. Today is his 22nd birthday so we're all partying! hahaha. 

Finally, it's almost 1:30 am, and I gotta go to sleep. I'm having a long day coming up. 
Hope you're all doing good. 


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hey there people! It's been a while since the last time I wrote here. Almost a year! Unbelievably, I think I've made my own record, lmao. 
I've restarted writing now since I'm on my summer holidays and I have more free time to write about myself and express how I feel quite sometimes as well. 
You know a lot of things happened this last year: I graduated, I went on a graduation trip and I had an amazing graduation party, among other things... 
This past 2012 has been one of the greatest years in my life so far... My love life was even more interesting than I thought it could be; I got quite astonished. Three years ago I was a fail, today I'm about to begin a relationship... 
I don't wanna write about any of my plans for this 2013 because I love living life day to day, you know.. Sometimes you forget to live your life when you waste your time planning useless projects for the future, unless they're major of course. 
But I'm very thankful, because I feel I grew up a lil bit more and I'm enjoying it... Feeling more mature gives me self-confidence, strength and a bit of faith in myself. 
Apart from what I said a few lines up, I'm heading up to record and make more music, bring to life amazing new stuff and PROGRESS in this amazing world. 
I'm also against a new challenge: COLLEGE. I'll try to make it as best as I can, as soon as I reach the target of getting my degree in 4 years. 
Well, it's almost 4 a.m. and I need to go to sleep. Promise to write as soon as I can. 


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Saturday, November 12, 2011

So if there's any way to cheat, don't tell me because I don't wanna know. And if there's any way to leave, don't tell me because I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go to sleep because I don't wanna miss you. This is my love and I love my position, I'll go everywhere, I'll go with you there. 

-Jordin Sparks
When the day is long, and the night is yours alone. When you're sure you've had enough of this like, well hang on. Don't let yourself go, 'cause everybody cries, and EVERYBODY HURTS. 

I know that dreams we hold on to can just fade away, and I know that words can be wasted with so much to say. But when I feel helpless, there's always a hope that shines through, and makes me believe.

-Céline Dion

Little by little... Step by step.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The sound of life has divine silence.

Kedar Joshi
When you live your life with an appreciation of coincidences and their meanings, you connect with the underlying field of infinite possibilities.

William James

Thursday, November 3, 2011


HEY THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's been 4 months and a day since the last time I wrote something on this place! 
I wanna start by saying I'm sorry, because I've been very, very, very busy... Maybe at my BUSIEST EVER!
A lot of things have changed and happened in my life, and I've also been studying a lot and very hard... Now the school year is coming to its end and I'm starting to feel the summer. It's AMAZING!
I don't have any fucking new pic to post, but I'll try to take some new ones.
But I'll make something new in this blog... I wanna give this blog a makeover, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do... I'll start posting videos, quotes and stuff...
Hope you like it, and I'm very glad of having the chance to write something new over here...
I also hope, you're all doing fine!
Keep it going, SWAG!

Friday, April 22, 2011

April Fool has forgotten me!

Once again I'm back on my blog... As you can see in all my latest posts I've been talking about how busy I am. I'm being absolutely serious... School has changed my life, even though I'm having lots of fun with my friends and having such a great time... I can almost say that I don't have enough time for breathing!
 Right now I'm listening to James Morrison's Wonderful World... OMG, this song is stuck in my head and I don't know why!
 There have been some few changes since the last time I wrote here.. I don't like the guy I used to like anymore. I've changed my mind for some random issues, and here I am... As a new me.
 In the meanwhile, I've been writing new stuff, and if I have the chance to records something I'll absolutely show it to you right away.
 I hope you're all fine and having an awesome time!


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Hey there once again! I've been pretty busy this past weeks, so that's the reason why I have not written here in a little long time... 
 Lots of things have happened since that last post, but the most important thing has been my birthday! Yes, man, I've turned sixteen years old, and I'm an older person right now, hahaha Pretty awesome, right? It's amusing for me. But anyways, that February 23rd has been won-der-ful! I had like the greatest time ever, since I had the opportunity of celebrate it with my closest friends. I got lots of beautiful gifts and an Oasis CD... Yes people, the last one! 'Time flies... 1994-2009'... It's like a gift I would have never expected but the gift that made my day. Actually, I'm listening to 'Whatever' and it inspires me a lot of feelings... I recommend you to take a listen to it. 
 I'm really happy. I've spent my weekend with my family... I visited my cousins, my grandma, my grandpa, my uncle and my aunt... So I had a beautiful time over there those days. Seeing that smile on my grandma's face almost made each one of my days.. I could see she was pretty happy of having us spending our time with her, so what makes her happy makes me feel good and of course, thankful. 
 This upcoming Thursday I'll be starting school, so I won't have that much time to write here, but I will... and not as much as I'd like to, but finally... I will. 
 One thing I gotta tell you is... I'm so fucking freakingly amazed with Oasis, man! it's like i'm 'oasising' the whole day and I never get tired! This is not an illness, but if it was, I'd love to have to deal with it 'til the end of my days... Seriously, hahahaha!
 '...Come on baby blue, shake up your tired eyes, the world is waiting for you. May all your dreaming fill the empty sky. But if it makes you happy, keep on clapping, just remember I'll be by your side and if you don't let go it's gonna pass you by...' - Let there be love. 
 And that's the way I'll finish with my post for today. I'm so not talking about love today, so you won't have to freak out with my crazes. Hope you're all doing fine and having fun wherever you are... 


Friday, February 11, 2011

I've been off for two weeks, since I've been hanging out with my people and stuff, as I told you on my last and recent post...
I met new people, I made new friends, I wrote new stuff, composed new songs, I met the guy I like, I had fun and still do, I went to a teen club for the first time and I had an awesome time... Well, there's nothing I can complain about, because fortunately everything is going as good as I expected. 
 Buenos Aires is beautiful... And at least, that's what I see right now... Maybe the people is kinda... well you know what I'm talking about... the 'environment' in some places... But, well, I like it really much... I love the cute guys I see in here and I think I'm becoming a stalker... Almost hahahahahaha, just kidding. But the truth is, guys are handsomes! 
Well, I'll go get some ice cream, if you want some just let me know!

Back again, and asking for forgiveness

Hace un tiempo ya no escribía acá... Estuve ocupada, colgada, de la forma en que le quieras llamar. Gracias a Dios llegué bien, estoy feliz, me reuní con mi familia, y volví a ver a mis amigos y eso es algo que me llena el alma.
Hoy sentí el incentivo de volver a escribir tras una situación que se me presentó hace tan solo unos pocos minutos. 
Verdaderamente, reconozco que soy muy colgada a la hora de hablar con la gente, y esta bien, aquellos que puedan llegar a pensar mal de mí, creyendo que los olvidé o que los dejé de lado por la cuestión de no hablarles yo, disculpen... Es MI culpa, es MI personalidad. Sé que me juega en contra en muchos aspectos, pero realmente no lo hago a propósito, porque me pasa con personas que verdaderamente me importan, y especialmente con una... Mi mejor amigo. 
No quiero venir a hablar del tema completo en especial, porque creo que esos son temas que a ciertas personas no le incumben... es decir, ya pasa a ser un tema privado y no algo que tenga que ser puesto a exposición pública, por una cuestión de interés en general. 
 Por acá, te quiero ofrecer una disculpa, por mi alto nivel de 'colgamiento'... Es cierto que depende de mí, pero al mismo tiempo, es algo de lo que, en el momento, no me doy cuenta y básicamente, es a causa de eso, que cometo los errores que cometo, y que te hago sentir que no me importás... Pero quiero que sepas que es todo lo contrario y no me voy a cansar de repetirlo.. Aunque a veces ya pierdo las esperanzas de que me creas... Quiero que sepas que cada palabra que te digo es verdad y sale del corazón... Nada más. 
 Al mismo tiempo, perdón otra vez, vos te imaginarás que estuve a full estas semanas, pero es hasta, en cierto punto, normalizarme... Esto es sólo temporario, y juro que así va a ser, porque no tengo la más mínima intención de sacarte de mi vida y perderte por una razón como esta. 
 Te quiero mucho, y quiero que sepas que verdaderamente me importas, y que no sos uno más para mí, sos el número uno. 


Friday, January 14, 2011

Mi casa por 2 años, hora de decir adiós pero no hasta nunca... Hasta Pronto US!

Me parece que hoy sí... Hoy sí es el día de escribir en castellano en el blog... Generalmente, como bien sabrán suelo escribir acerca de mis sentimientos, anécdotas, dedicatorias, o lo que fuera, en inglés. Hoy creo que voy a tomar un poco más de coraje para abrirme y hablar sobre algunas cosas, en el idioma que hablo desde que dije mi primera palabra... nada más ni nada menos que 'Mamá'. 
 Bueno, principalmente, estoy en un momento muy especial de mi vida en el que me siento en medio de un proceso de metamorfosis, que si bien no es EL cambio, implica una especie de sub-cambios en cierto punto importantes. Uno de ellos es llegar a vivir la misma vida de siempre pero ya siendo una adolescente, es decir, se vincula con muchas cosas nuevas que no tuve la oportunidad de disfrutar estando tan alejada de mi entorno y viviendo en un lugar tan distinto... Además, volver a conectarme, adaptarme, sentirme parte del entorno al que pertenezco y que al menos fue parte de mí por 13 años y retomará caminos a partir de el próximo domingo en que toque el suelo argentino. Tal vez escribir en este blog muchas cosas sobre mí signifique cierto riesgo, pero en algún lugar necesitaba 'vaciarme'. Por otro lado, pero dentro de la categoría de los cambios DEBO mencionar a mis amigos. Me hace muy feliz saber que voy a volver a verlos y que no va a ser sólo una conexión virtual, sino también que voy a ver a gente que todo este tiempo estuve soñando con ver, tras haberlos conocido durante estos 2 años que estuve lejos o tal vez virtualmente y todavía no tuve la oportunidad de encontrame con ellos. Puedo decir que mi nivel de ansiedad por estas razones, sobrepasa el límite de lo normal, porque son personas que llenan mi vida de alegría, cariño, amor, compañía, confianza, energía positiva, y de verdad que cada una de estas personas es única e irremplazable. Creo que con la amistad y el cariño que me dan, no necesito nada más... Y tal vez a mis amigos los puedo contar con más de una mano, pero estoy segura de que son de esos amigos verdaderos que llegaron a tu vida para quedarse, aunque muchos no crean en la 'everlasting friendship'. 
 Se me hace difícil también enfrentar esta etapa de cambios ya que estando aca conocí personas especiales, y lugares hermosos. Personas que me hicieron sentir como en mi propia casa, personas que me brindaron de su amistad, personas capaces de sacarme una sonrisa con tan sólo haberme conocido minutos, personas que me hicieron crecer y ser la persona que hoy soy... Creo que cada uno aporta un granito de arena en mí, y en mi crecimiento como mujer y como persona. Dirán, la pendeja esta se cree una mujer... Sí, es lo que soy, y mi grado de madurez es bastante alto como para confirmar que mi cerebro labura más que el de una chica de 19 años. 
 Estando lejos, aprendí algo que hasta el momento creí que ya sabía lo que era, pero es acá donde realmente comencé a sentirlo: EXTRAÑAR A QUIENES QUEREMOS Y AMAMOS. Sí, una distancia de 10,000 kilómetros logra generar esos sentimientos en mí... Saber que no es el tema de llamar por teléfono, coordinar, fijar hora y salir para verse... No, no, nada de eso... Tal vez llamar, pero teniendo en cuenta que entre esas llamadas hay mucho mas distancia que la que uno mismo sería capaz de recorrer con sus propios pies. Extrañe verdaderamente, lo sentí en el alma, en el corazón. Extrañé a mis abuelos que están ansiosos como nenes de 6 años haciendo la cuenta regresiva para volvernos a ver. Extrañé al resto de mi familia que se acordó de mí en todo momento. Extrañé a mis amigas y amigos que siempre se interesaron y preocuparon en saber que yo estoy bien y estoy feliz. Extrañé a aquellas personas que no conozco personalmente pero que les tengo un cariño tremendo y que lograron crear tales sentimientos en mí que parecieran increíbles. 
Extrañé y aprendí a querer. Ya somos sólo unos pocos los que usamos el 'te quiero', 'te amo', 'te extraño', y el 'te quiero ver', realmente cuando lo sentimos, y es una lástima. 
 Esta experiencia acá me deja muchísimos recuerdos hermosos. La verdad no hay nada malo que pudiera resaltar (tal vez estudiar jajaja), pero en cuanto a amigos, alimentar mis conocimientos de cultura general, crecer como amiga y persona, valorar lo que tenemos, y a cumplir mis sueños... Podría decir entonces que los Estados Unidos de América son la mejor experiencia que pueda haber vivido hasta el momento en mis cortos pero largos casi 16 años. LOGRÉ GRABAR MI DEMO SEÑORES!!!!! CANTÉ LAS VECES QUE QUISE, APRENDÍ A TOCAR LA GUITARRA, ME COMPRÉ UN PIANO :P, MEJORÉ MI TALENTO, ME PROBÉ A MI MISMA SOBRE MI TALENTO PARA LA MÚSICA, ME PROBÉ A MI MISMA QUE TAMBIÉN PUEDO SER ACTRIZ TRAS HABER SIDO SELECCIONADA EN CASTINGS YANKEES :P JAJAJA esas son parte de las alegrías que nos da la vida.
 Por otro lado también me enamoré por primera vez, me rompieron el corazón por primera vez, pero como verán.. el estúpido ese me hizo fuerte, mejor persona, más madura, más desconfiada tal vez, pero me ayudo a no volver a meterme con tipos como él, jajajaja. Además, conocí a una persona que me genera esa sensación de mariposas en el estómago, que miro sus fotos y me vuelvo casi loca... Pero que se yo, la cosa va, la cosa viene, hay cosas que a veces no me quedan claras, pero al mismo tiempo mi gente dice que por aquí hay onda y que el realmente me quiere. Al mismo tiempo no quiero hacerme falsas esperanzas, ni ilusionarme porque después se me pincha el globo y creo que termino peor que la última vez. Este chico es un amor de persona, me entiende en todo, me dice que me quiere, comparte su vida conmigo, confía en mí, es mi amigo, me hace reír bastante, es muy sincero conmigo, yo lo hago reír con mis boludeces jaja, y realmente creo que es una de las personas que tiene un corazón lleno de bondad y cariño, y ese es un punto muy importante para mí. Pareciera que nos conocieramos desde hace muuuuucho, pero la verdad es que no. ¡Tengo unas ganas de verte! Mas allá de no conocernos hace mucho, me genera tal sentimiento de necesidad de tenerlo conmigo, como cuando me pasa con mis amigos que conozco de años. La verdad, es un sentimiento raro, pero me gusta y siempre me saca una sonrisa de tan sólo pensar que él piensa en mí al menos una vez en el día, jajaja. 
 Iría y le diría todo de una, pero creo que también tengo que darme tiempo a mí, para sentirme segura de lo que siento y para no cometer cagadas, y mandar mi amistad al tremendo carajo y a la concha de la lora unidos xD
 Me sería imposible resumir cada día de mi vida acá en Rockville, estado de Maryland, a tan sólo millas de la ciudad capital de Washington, District of Columbia. 
 Amé estos dos años acá porque me unió de una manera increíble con mi familia! Con mi hermana tenemos una Amistad tremenda, nos contamos todo, hacemos las pelotudeces más pelotudas juntas, somos las más ridículas cuando salimos o a la noche nos ponemos a hablar de nuestros días, con quienes chateamos, con quien nos peleamos o a quien conocimos. Además, nos conocemos nuestras caras más locas, feas, deformes, con ataque de granitos, o con el cutis perfecto, con los pelos enredados y despeinadas, o con el pelo más brillante, sedoso y perfecto. Somos nosotras las que decimos on de pípol on de buindiscard, las que miramos Caso Cerrado y hablamos en todas las tonadas latinoamericanas, las que nos cagamos de risa en Target, las que tenemos novios en la Barnes, las que nos hacemos amigas de los animadores del hotel de México, las mejores hermanas que podrían conocer en sus maravillosas vidas... JAJAJA Te amo Agostinitita. Ni hablar con el enano... Gonzalito hermoso, está mas cariñoso y viciado que nunca, crecido, divino y espectacular... A veces esta en las nubes, a veces viene a pegarme con toda la fuerza que les juro que me hace agujeros en el cuerpo :P jajaja, violencia doméstica. Y mis viejos... Los mejores, la verdad que me llenan el alma con su amor y predispocisión de siempre. Estoy muy feliz de haber compartido con ellos esta experiencia que nos ayudo a crecer a los 5 como familia. Gracias a la Vida, somos una familia feliz. 
 Estoy un poco bastante cansada, luego de vaciar parte de alguna que otra frustración, contar alguna anécdota o razones de mi felicidad, creo que estoy lista para volverme a Capital Federal. Mañana, en 24 horas exactamente voy a estar cenando en el aire con las azafatas volando por aquí y por allá... Estoy bastante segura de que voy a llegar hecha un zombie. It's my time to say 'Bye GUAYINTON'... Me voy a filmar todo, sacar fotos a todo como si fuera una turista que recién visita la Argentina por primera vez :P 
Muchas gracias a quien dedica parte de su tiempo a leer estas confesiones y cosas que se me pasan por la cabeza, que creo que debo escribirlas en algún lado y no hay mejor lugar que mi blog para escribirlas y expresarme. Realmente en cada uno de mis posteos largos o semi largos, les abro mi corazón a quien se interese a leer sobre mi vida. 
 Ah! Ya casi me olvidaba. Para vos, boluda, que ni sabés de mi existencia, que te hacés la capa hablando en inglés, te tengo re fichada y ojito vos eh. Boludita, no te metas con el niño porque salgo yo y te rompo todo el auto, mirá que de altura somos iguales. Sí, vos, Gingerbread. El niño es mío, amorcito. 
Jajaja, re sorete y re celosa soy... Naa, pero viste, aunque no lo lea... Hay que aclarar las cosas a veces... Para al menos uno mismo hacerse la idea de que las cosas están claras (? 
 De corazón, le agradezco otra vez a quien lea esto. Juanma te quiero mucho y ni bien se dé la oportunidad te voy a visitar, amigo que me bancás en todas!! Para que nuestra amistad siga y vamos por los 4 años =)
 Adiós Washington, DC... Adiós Estados Unidos. Muy buenos días Buenos Aires... Muy buenos días Argentina. 
Y el momento en el que el piloto diga 'Dear passengers get ready for landing' mi corazón va a estar a mil latidos por segundo. Los quiero muchísimo!

- Beluu
(known as -M)

Monday, January 10, 2011

four days

BFF reunion

I can't wait to see my besties! 
A year without seeing them makes it hard to believe, but it's possible to handle it. 
As an advice, I'd recommend you not to talk to them as usually as you used to do. Why not? Because it makes it more exciting knowing that when you see each other for the next time you're gonna have a lot more things to talk about, so that makes it exciting, interesting, fun, and lovely! 
What could go the wrong way when you are spending time with your bff's, having a great conversation and hanging out? JUST NOTHING! 
So that's the reason why I want time to fly as fast as possible 'cause I really wanna see them again.

'Shall' I have to fall in love?

Yeah, I like him... But how can I show you that? I still have no idea about it, but I'm starting to feel I love him...  and when I say I feel that is because I really do. 
 I can't wait 'til the day we see each other... Am I right for being that anxious? I don't know, but I can't avoid to think about the moment I see that tall guy in front of me, having a conversation, having fun and laughing. 
 6 feet tall man, driving this girl crazy the sweetest way as it could be. Even though I haven't shared any moment with him yet, every single conversation is unique... At least 2 hours of chatting, 2 hours that makes me feel convinced that my time has not been wasted. 
 I think it's my time to do it, my time to try, my time to be myself in front of someone I really care about, and someone I love. I wanna make someone happy, fill someone with the love I have to give in an incondicional way, and feel the real feeling of being loved. 
 But there a little huge thing that scares me every single time I think about it. Several months ago I was really in love with this guy who called himself my best friend. You know every single part  of the story because I wrote every single moment in this blog... But the thing is that, in the end, he hurt myself inside so badly that right now I don't trust as easy as I used to because of the fear of getting hurt once again while having true feelings for someone special. So ok, this guy I'm starting to feel I'm falling for is kinda shy, but sometimes he says those types of things that make you think about 'What did he mean with that?'. Once he said that he would go to the airport to wait for me and then see each other the same exact day. He also tells me he misses me when there's just one day between the last day we talked, and last week he said to me: 'Take care of yourself, because I love you :)' And I was like 'Oh, gosh did he really mean that?' I was almost astonished! 
 But thanks to this past guy who printed that fear in my heart, I don't wanna build fake hopes in my mind, 'cause I don't wanna feel let down if I find out that he doesn't really like me, he just told me that as my friend. But I still have doubts about it.. so believe or not to believe... for me it's just the same... I will find it all out the day we see each other :) 
'Til then, Imma keep on trying to discover any new clue that could drive me to any conclusion.
 My friend, I'm starting to fall for you... I hope you don't mind... I hope you feel the same way, too. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

        :::::::::FAME IS BORING:::::::::
... but I love my curves :P

Not a goodbye

Hello, to the pípol over there ! It's been several days or weeks since the last time I wrote here... I don't even remember when I did! 
Right now, I'm in the kitchen 'cause there's a man painting the house.. Ugh, the smell is digusting! :P But at the same time, those little things bring myself that feeling of making my brain realize the fact of leaving this country that has been my home for this last 2 years... I have just a week left here.. 
And I'm sure I'll write on the 16th letting you know I've arrived, and maybe write here with some tears in my eyes... You know, this situation can be amazing, but at the same time it's hurtful 'cause you know you're leaving things, memories and some people behind you... in your past... And just only God knows if I'll ever see them again. 
Living here for this 2 years has increased my maturity, and has brought inside myself that real feeling of really missing someone you are far away from, or someone who's not here anymore... So, sometimes you don't realize how important experiences are... They always bring good an bad things, and when we're good we never worry about the bad things, and when we're bad we have not the courage enough to see the best thing of a bad thing... So it's all about valorating and making reflections about an specifical issue. 
 I've just made mine, and I've got much more coming... As a final thing to say... I've grown up, and I'll keep on growing up.

Monday, December 27, 2010


Chest to chest 
Nose to nose 
Palm to palm 
We were always just that close 
Wrist to wrist 
Toe to toe 
Lips that felt just like the inside of a rose 
So how come when I reach out my finger 
It feels like more than distance between us 
In this California king bed 
Were 10000 miles apart 
I'll be California wishing on the stars 
For you're heart on me 
My California king 
Eye to eye 
Cheek to cheek 
Side by side 
You were sleeping next to me 
Arm in arm 
Dusk to dawn 
With the curtains drawn 
And a little last night on these sheets 
So how come when I reach out my finger 
It feels like more than distance between us 
In this California king bed 
Were 10000 miles apart 
I'll be California wishing on the stars 
For you're heart on me 
My California king 
Just when I felt like giving up on us 
You turned around and gave me one last touch 
That made everything feel better 
And even then my eyes got wetter 
So confused wanna ask you if you love me
But I don't wanna feel so weak 
Maybe I've been California dreaming 
In this California king bed 
Were 10000 miles apart 
I'll be California wishing on the stars 
For you're heart on me 
My California king 
My California King 
In this California king bed 
Were 10000 miles apart 
I'll be California wishing on the stars 
For you're heart on me 
My California king 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

With Dan!

A pic with the best music teacher and producer ever!!

Strong (Original Song)

                                ''Strong'' by Belu Jaluff

He made me happy, 
he made me feel the one, 
he made me smile without a word, 
he made me be free.

I had to say goodbye, 
I had to learn to live without him, 
I had to write about him and tell it all, 
he made me happy.

Once we discovered we were meant to be, but life decided it wasn't our time, 
we had to break it all apart, and now I tell you this

I learned to be strong, thanks to you, 
I learned to believe in myself, 
I became what I wanted to become, your friend.
And i thank you, I trust you, I love you...
I'm strong.

You took my pain all away with two words 'Remain friends'
You changed my life in such a way, 
You made me feel the happiest for once...
You made my heart stop bleeding, 'cos you're my friend and you've always been there.

I don't wanna lose you, I just wanna keep you 'cos I know this is forever and real.
I, whoa, only exist with you!

I learned to be strong, thanks to you, 
I learned to believe in myself, 
I became what I wanted to become, your friend.
And i thank you, I trust you, I love you...
I'm strong.

All what I felt hasn't faded away, 
you know I'll fight for you, 
fight for what I want, I won't give up on us. 

I learned to be strong, thanks to you, 
I learned to believe in myself, 
I became what I wanted to become, your friend.
And i thank you, I trust you, I love you...
I'm strong.

® María Belén Jaluff

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

hola gente(? bueno me presento soy kevin, tengo 16 y nada Bel es mi cuñada a que decia jaja.. nono basta.. hola bell mira es re extraño escribir en tu blog es como hola si me meto y escribo :3 jajajaj .. y todos wow q le pasaba a este pibe, pero bueno vos me dijiste asi que aca estoy jaja .. capas no sea asi la mejor entrada del mundo porque no tengo mucha imaginacion pero bueno se hace lo que se puede,  hay belu belu, que decirte, sos una colgada pero de aca a la luna .. je te lo tenia q decir, igual te quiero. muy por dentro te adoro n.n, no posta sos genial cantas genial y nose onda cuando podes me ayudas jaja .. vos entnedes :D, bueno che te quiero montones, se que no nos la pasamos hablndo como par decir wooww mejor amiga jaja .. pero te aprecio un monton, sos una exelente personas y sabes que me tenes para todo lo que quieras, osea si necesitas nose una abrazo, te doy uno virtual q tiene toda la onda :3 jajajaaja, si necesitas hablar o descargarte .. el kev esta ahi n.n y nose vos sabes todas esas cosas que necesites, nose talvez un dibujo, te lo cobro ajajaj ni garca, no estem si nose bueno en fin lo que necesites .. here i am , no lo dudes si? :)  haha bueno nose que mas decir .. aa sisi te vas a arg .. estas feliz? cansada? decilucionada? no te queres ir? .. dale decime bue jaja, ya quiero volver a arg y re cargosearte en tu casa .. sabelo auqne no parece soy el mas cargoso asi que acostumbrate sale?? jaaj  na mentiira.. no si pero esta muyyyy bueno vernos jaja vos no sabe slo que me imagino asi todos locos re hard rock .. a q se imaginaba jajaja .. nono asi nose ir a tu casa y tus viejos mirandome re .. y este ?? y nosotros :B y tu brothersito ni cargoso seeguro.. ( como mi sistersita ) .. pero bueno nose aja yo pienso que la vamos a pasar bomba porque yo pff toda la onda .. a qe decia jaja..  bueno ya estoy qedando como el mas inutil y gil xD.. pero bueno no era para hacerte pasar verguenza si? es porque nose . es asi belu aceptalo :) jajaja.. bueno asi en conclusion ya cerrando.. te reitero .. sos genial nunca cambies y me tenes para todo... te qiero asi montones (L y te re adoro sos asi re nose :') jajaja.. u nbesaso .. espero verte prontito y nada.. disculpa mi forma de expresarme jajaaj :)
per obueno soy felliz (? a q decia jajaa.. te quiero muchasoooooo

el kev -
xoxo :$

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Motherfucker, what the hell is going on in here? While I talk like if I was some kind of crazy person... Can you guys believe it?
Estudiantes de La Plata won with a difference of 4 goals against River Plate... Man, we rock!! 
Unfortunately Vélez Sarsfield won 1 over 0 against Huracán... So we didn't have the chance to be the champions of the tournament! 
But I have faith in my team... we'll be the champions next week against Arsenal :) 

Estudiantes de La Plata, sos mi sangre, mi corazón, mi vida, mi pasión, MI ORGULLO

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Caso Cerrado: las cartas secretas - Dra. Ana María Polo

Ok... I'll tell you the story from the beginning... 
It was yesterday afternoon when my sister Agos (medicenagos) came to me and told me that the professional and famous cuban lawyer Ana María Polo had just released a book related to her TV program Caso Cerrado! the one I'm a huge fan of and I also love her, 'cuz she's an outstanding woman... Well, to get to the point, it is a book that is about people sending her some letters with extreme cases, most of them related to sex and that kind of stuff, so that's the reason why they don't show it on TV, but people send her letter asking for help and answers and she replies them in the book... 
Well, so last night I entered on Barnes & Noble Booksellers web site and there I looked for the book and I found it, so I asked my mum to reserve it, and then pick it up the next day (today) 'cuz since I had my music lessons in the same place, it was the perfect moment to take advantage and as I said, pick the book up. I reserved it. It was on stock. Perfect.
 Today's afternoon. I finished watching Caso Cerrado at 4pm, and after I took a shower, I put on my clothes, and got ready for my lesson. Fourty minutes passed and mum drove us to the bookstore... Who was there? Yes, Agos Fillipin 'hawk-cutted-hair boyfriend'.. the Nook manager in the store. We both were like, he's gonna smile at us, he did, and we laughed... That funny face that man has is hilarious... The thing is we went to the customer service place, the cashier needed another employee, and there he appeared again! Yeah! and of course he knows who we are, we're there almost everyday... He asked me with a smile on his face, almost ridiculous (I'm not being mean!) 'Hi, ma'am, how can I help you?', instantly I said 'Hey... Yeah.. Well last night I reserved a book so I need to pick it up'... And while I was talking, I could see that man's face skin was like perfect, like photoshop edited!! HAHAHAHAHA. Well, so he gave me the instructions to pick it up, and then I went to the cashier... A smiling pregnant woman, almost a look-a-like of Jennifer Garner and Hillary Swank mixed together, who gave me the book... The smile on Agos' face was undescriptable, with an expresion like saying 'I wanna hold that book with my hands right now!' and I proceed. 
Now I read almost half of the book, and it's captivating! 

He dicho, 


Sea cortés, ande con cuidado, edúquese lo más que pueda, respete para que lo respeten y que Dios los ampare. Nos vemos el próximo día! 
Well, ma'am... I don't know what's going on with me... Really! It's like I can't find any motivation to go online and say 'Wow, tonight's gonna be a good night for chatting' 'cuz I know I'm gonna have fun... But, even though I have fun every single night while I'm discussing about X issues with my friend Juanma... I mean, if I have to say or mention one of my motivations for signing in on my Windows Live Messenger, one is my friend Juanma. And if we don't talk, it's all because of me! Because I'm the lazy one when it comes to 'talking to your friends online'. But when I get online, I think there's no time we don't talk, he always starts the conversation, I'm rarely that one, but sometimes I do... But the thing is we always talk, and there's always an issue to talk about, a reason to discuss about... And even though we always fight (this phrase will sound weird), it's all worth the fight, because in the end, we always end up saying goodnight in the bestest way. 
You know what? I'm proud of having someone like him in my life... He's always complaining that there's some other boy better than him... I bet there's not. Because he's incredibly always there, whenever you need him to give you his most sincere and honest words to explain you how he feels about the situation you're talking to him about. And it's fantastical... And that's one of the maximum reasons why I'll scream north, south, east and west winds, I LOVE BEING HIS FRIEND AND PART OF HIS LIFE.  He's the best.
I know I could sound really histerical, crazy or whatever the word you would use to describe me... Yeah, because I started talking about MSN and then I end up talking about my friend, a CARING and PERFECT friend (He would play the perfect parent role, I'm not kidding, jajaja)
 Well, but the thing is I don't feel like getting connected... it bores me, honestly! OK, that's what I think right now in this exact moment... I know myself, and I know that I'll be with my connecting spirit back again on Friday, I can swear it. 

Messi marcó la diferencia.

A R G 1 - 0 B R A

41' ST  Lionel Messi

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Is It Over?Or can I turn you around  If I crawl on my knees  To rewrite, "I'm sorry" tonight  Would you care or are you already gone?