Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Caso Cerrado: las cartas secretas - Dra. Ana María Polo

Ok... I'll tell you the story from the beginning... 
It was yesterday afternoon when my sister Agos (medicenagos) came to me and told me that the professional and famous cuban lawyer Ana María Polo had just released a book related to her TV program Caso Cerrado! the one I'm a huge fan of and I also love her, 'cuz she's an outstanding woman... Well, to get to the point, it is a book that is about people sending her some letters with extreme cases, most of them related to sex and that kind of stuff, so that's the reason why they don't show it on TV, but people send her letter asking for help and answers and she replies them in the book... 
Well, so last night I entered on Barnes & Noble Booksellers web site and there I looked for the book and I found it, so I asked my mum to reserve it, and then pick it up the next day (today) 'cuz since I had my music lessons in the same place, it was the perfect moment to take advantage and as I said, pick the book up. I reserved it. It was on stock. Perfect.
 Today's afternoon. I finished watching Caso Cerrado at 4pm, and after I took a shower, I put on my clothes, and got ready for my lesson. Fourty minutes passed and mum drove us to the bookstore... Who was there? Yes, Agos Fillipin 'hawk-cutted-hair boyfriend'.. the Nook manager in the store. We both were like, he's gonna smile at us, he did, and we laughed... That funny face that man has is hilarious... The thing is we went to the customer service place, the cashier needed another employee, and there he appeared again! Yeah! and of course he knows who we are, we're there almost everyday... He asked me with a smile on his face, almost ridiculous (I'm not being mean!) 'Hi, ma'am, how can I help you?', instantly I said 'Hey... Yeah.. Well last night I reserved a book so I need to pick it up'... And while I was talking, I could see that man's face skin was like perfect, like photoshop edited!! HAHAHAHAHA. Well, so he gave me the instructions to pick it up, and then I went to the cashier... A smiling pregnant woman, almost a look-a-like of Jennifer Garner and Hillary Swank mixed together, who gave me the book... The smile on Agos' face was undescriptable, with an expresion like saying 'I wanna hold that book with my hands right now!' and I proceed. 
Now I read almost half of the book, and it's captivating! 

He dicho, 


Sea cortés, ande con cuidado, edúquese lo más que pueda, respete para que lo respeten y que Dios los ampare. Nos vemos el próximo día! 

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