Friday, November 26, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Caso Cerrado: las cartas secretas - Dra. Ana María Polo
Ok... I'll tell you the story from the beginning...
It was yesterday afternoon when my sister Agos (medicenagos) came to me and told me that the professional and famous cuban lawyer Ana María Polo had just released a book related to her TV program Caso Cerrado! the one I'm a huge fan of and I also love her, 'cuz she's an outstanding woman... Well, to get to the point, it is a book that is about people sending her some letters with extreme cases, most of them related to sex and that kind of stuff, so that's the reason why they don't show it on TV, but people send her letter asking for help and answers and she replies them in the book...
Well, so last night I entered on Barnes & Noble Booksellers web site and there I looked for the book and I found it, so I asked my mum to reserve it, and then pick it up the next day (today) 'cuz since I had my music lessons in the same place, it was the perfect moment to take advantage and as I said, pick the book up. I reserved it. It was on stock. Perfect.
Today's afternoon. I finished watching Caso Cerrado at 4pm, and after I took a shower, I put on my clothes, and got ready for my lesson. Fourty minutes passed and mum drove us to the bookstore... Who was there? Yes, Agos Fillipin 'hawk-cutted-hair boyfriend'.. the Nook manager in the store. We both were like, he's gonna smile at us, he did, and we laughed... That funny face that man has is hilarious... The thing is we went to the customer service place, the cashier needed another employee, and there he appeared again! Yeah! and of course he knows who we are, we're there almost everyday... He asked me with a smile on his face, almost ridiculous (I'm not being mean!) 'Hi, ma'am, how can I help you?', instantly I said 'Hey... Yeah.. Well last night I reserved a book so I need to pick it up'... And while I was talking, I could see that man's face skin was like perfect, like photoshop edited!! HAHAHAHAHA. Well, so he gave me the instructions to pick it up, and then I went to the cashier... A smiling pregnant woman, almost a look-a-like of Jennifer Garner and Hillary Swank mixed together, who gave me the book... The smile on Agos' face was undescriptable, with an expresion like saying 'I wanna hold that book with my hands right now!' and I proceed.
Now I read almost half of the book, and it's captivating!
He dicho,
Sea cortés, ande con cuidado, edúquese lo más que pueda, respete para que lo respeten y que Dios los ampare. Nos vemos el próximo día!
Well, ma'am... I don't know what's going on with me... Really! It's like I can't find any motivation to go online and say 'Wow, tonight's gonna be a good night for chatting' 'cuz I know I'm gonna have fun... But, even though I have fun every single night while I'm discussing about X issues with my friend Juanma... I mean, if I have to say or mention one of my motivations for signing in on my Windows Live Messenger, one is my friend Juanma. And if we don't talk, it's all because of me! Because I'm the lazy one when it comes to 'talking to your friends online'. But when I get online, I think there's no time we don't talk, he always starts the conversation, I'm rarely that one, but sometimes I do... But the thing is we always talk, and there's always an issue to talk about, a reason to discuss about... And even though we always fight (this phrase will sound weird), it's all worth the fight, because in the end, we always end up saying goodnight in the bestest way.
You know what? I'm proud of having someone like him in my life... He's always complaining that there's some other boy better than him... I bet there's not. Because he's incredibly always there, whenever you need him to give you his most sincere and honest words to explain you how he feels about the situation you're talking to him about. And it's fantastical... And that's one of the maximum reasons why I'll scream north, south, east and west winds, I LOVE BEING HIS FRIEND AND PART OF HIS LIFE. He's the best.
I know I could sound really histerical, crazy or whatever the word you would use to describe me... Yeah, because I started talking about MSN and then I end up talking about my friend, a CARING and PERFECT friend (He would play the perfect parent role, I'm not kidding, jajaja)
Well, but the thing is I don't feel like getting connected... it bores me, honestly! OK, that's what I think right now in this exact moment... I know myself, and I know that I'll be with my connecting spirit back again on Friday, I can swear it.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Is It Over?Or can I turn you around If I crawl on my knees To rewrite, "I'm sorry" tonight Would you care or are you already gone?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I'm sick of this... Right now my friend was telling me he was just about to kiss a girl in a party and almost touched a friend's butt. What kind of society are we driving it to be in the future? A non-progressing society, full of sexual harrasments, people being abused, alcoholic teens, what else? A list full of disgusting stuff, but stuff immature teens like to make 'em feel more important in front of their friends, because they think they have something cool to tell, while it is really embarrassing and depressing. Non of them care about what their parents could say about them, 'cuz some of them are never at home so they think their children are exceptional and perfect, while they're absolutely not.
It just drives me crazy thinking about this fact that's happening in my city. 'They will all treat me like a martian when I get there' I think. You find them all kissing and touching each other hard, while they enjoy that and others, sometimes, feel like they're being raped... and they almost are, because they let themselves be raped, and that's absolutely a mess.
I'm thankful for not being part of that 'Crew', I can easily say I'm proud of myself. I won't let that happen to me, because as easy as it is for them touching a girl's ass, I can kick them in their little penis and make a huge change in their lives... Leave 'em with the result of never having the chance to be a biological parent of a child... Funny, right? Hahaha. The thing is we have to fight to keep our dignity at the height of heaven and grow up as mature people. And our dignity should not pretend to be kept thanks to a fight, it should be a right, a law, that if it's violated you go to jail.
Buenos Aires is going down...
Monday, November 8, 2010
I like that look in your eyes.
OMG What can I say for now?
Well, I'm actually having that weird but beautiful sensation inside of me. I don't know what it means, but I like it.
I believe that there are not much of those people who are like angels. They fill you up with happiness, they make your day with their happiness. And I'm just still tryna' find the way they bring yourself smiles and that beautiful feeling of living like it's the end of times.
I'm talking about him, yeah HIM. He's a friend I've just met, but I feel like I know him since before I was born. I don't know what's going on really. But anyways, I don't care, because talking to this boy, makes me feel good and the happiest for the rest of my day.
And now I have this space to tell you and write about the way I feel and the things of life, I take advantage of it, and that's the reason why I'm telling you about this using my blog.
Everyday I talk to him for about 2 or 3 hours, and it's like I never get tired of it, I never get sick of that. I'm always entertained and smiling. I feel happy, this boy, this friend, brings myself happiness.
And I'm sure he's one of those people I call like angels. He's such a good person, and I feel really identified with him and his personality.
It's not I like him, the thing is he's special... and I don't know why.
I like the way he's always there to tell you how his day was, how he's feeling right now, what he thinks about this, what he thinks about that... Plus he always has something to talk to you about, and that amazing 'cuz the conversation doesn't end in a '-What are you doing? -Nothing just chatting' and that's all... You can talk to him for 5 hours and you still have something to talk to him about!
I don't know why, but I thank God for meeting this guy. Even though we've been talking for just a month or a little more, he's incredible and he's a FRIEND. I'm proud of him...
I don't know if he will ever read this... I totally don't care... I needed to write this out, 'cuz I've been feeling it all this days and I couldn't keep it anymore. My sister will know who I'm talking about.
Thank you for making me such a happy girl every time we talk. I know I told you about the way I feel about you, but now you're finding all this out... Yeah, my friend, since I met you I'm happier, and I'm absolutely thankful for that.
Busco puertas hacia mí. Inventar algún camino.
Otra fuerza, que seguir y llegar a tí.
Buscar el cielo aquí, y despertar.
Quiero tiempo para mí.
Escucharme en el silencio.
Puentes nuevos que cruzar y llegar a tí.
Por fin, acariciar el viento.
Sentir, amor en vez de miedo.
Soltar, sé que nada es mío, HOY.
Bésame, a destiempo, sin piedad y en silencio.
Bésame, frena el tiempo, haz crecer lo que siento.
Bésame, como si el mundo se acabara después.
Bésame, y beso a beso por el cielo al revés.
Bésame, sin razón, porque quiere el corazón.
Siénteme, en el viento, mientras yo muero lento.
Bésame, sin motivos, y esta vez, siempre contigo.
Bésame así, sin compasión.
Quédate en mí sin condición.
Dame tan sólo un motivo, y me quedo yo.
Entre tus Alas
Hasta que apareciste por ahí, me decidí a aterrizar y quedarme en tu suelo.
Descubrí mi fé en tu ilusión. Mi alma reconoció tu voz, y así, se fue detrás de tí mi corazón.
Vuelo entre tus alas, despierto entre tu calma y mi paz, y mi razón. Viajo en tu mirada, me elevas; soy mejor de lo que fui, por tí, amor.
Y hasta hoy pensaba que la libertad, estaba en otro lugar y hoy la llevo por dentro. Me asomé al laberito de tu amor, aquí encontré mi verdad, y en tí está lo que quiero.
Restos de Abril
Llévate los restos de abril, llévate los besos que jamás te dí, los segundos de mi reloj, y este corazón roto en dos.
Llévate tu piel y el dolor, llévate tu nombre lejos de mi voz. Déjame el silencio que aquí, cada historia me habla de tí.
Llévate mi sueños, y el universo que se vuelve tan pequeño. No tengo a dónde ir... Me desbarata tu amor fugaz que, a veces hiere, a veces mata. Llévate el Sur y el Sol. Que estoy desorientado... Que vivo congelado... Sin no estás a mi lado, amor.
Llévate esta absurda verdad; dime dónde guardo tanta soledad.
Llévate contigo tu voz, y jamás me digas adiós.
De qué me sirve la vida
Estoy a punto de emprender un viaje, con rumbo hacia lo desconocido.
No sé si algún día vuelva a verte, no es fácil aceptar haber perdido.
Por más que suplique, no me abandones. Dijiste no soy yo, el destino.
Y entonces entendí que aunque te amaba, tenía que elegir otro camino.
De qué me sirve la vida, si eres lo que yo pido.
Los recuerdos no me alcanzan pero me mantienen vivo.
De qué me sirve la vida, si no la vivo contigo.
De qué me sirve la esperanza si es lo último que muere, y sin tí ya la he perdido.
Escucha bien, amor, lo que te digo; pues, creo, no habrá otra ocasión, para decirte que no me arrepiento de haberte entregado el corazón.
Music that makes me wanna clean everything up!
Aléjate de mí, amor. Yo se que aún estás a tiempo.
No soy quien de verdad parezco, y perdón, no soy quien crees, yo no caí del cielo.
Si aún no me lo crees amor, y quieres tu correr el riesgo.
Verás que soy realemente bueno en engañar, y hacer sufrir a quien más quiero.
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