Saturday, October 30, 2010

To the people out there! I'm writing early in the morning from Riviera Maya, Mexico... I'm leaving today in a few hours, so I'm kinda nervous! I really don't wanna leave, 'cuz we've been having an awesome time here, and like always, is really hard to say goodbye to a place where you felt that you really fit in, somewhere to make yourself feel comfortable... 
We met lots of cool mexican people I won't ever forget. I laughed a lot, got really tan to that point I feel I'm almost black... And the best thing of all, the beaches and spending family time!!
All I have to say is I'm really thankful for this opportunity my family and I have been given this week. I'm pretty sure I'll be back here soon!! So it's not a definite goodbye to this beautiful Riviera Maya, full of happiness, bright and full of nature wherever your sight goes, and full of people who will always be there to make you feel the bestest of the bests... Treat you like you deserve to ve treated... At least in our hotel, haha. Plus today, I had the opportunity to sing in a Karaoke Night, my hit and awesome cover I always do of 'Everything I do'... I felt like Céline Dion or Leona Lewis every single second while singing that song. It's that incredible feeling that you can feel inside when you do something you love, something that fills you up to the top and even more of your expectations inside, you feel like nothing can ruin your moment, 'cuz it's YOU an only YOU. I felt awesome because peopla was screaming and shouting and loving my performance, lots of applauses and people cheering me up... It's has been THE BEST. 
So I think that's all for now, 'cuz I'm kinda tired  and I need to sleep! I'll be writing here tonight or tomorrow. 
With love, 

Welcome to wherever you are...

:Remember every new beggining is some beggining's end:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

You are not alone, together we stand, i'll be by your side you know i'll take your hand 
agos- youngmoneyrulez
Weeeno, uhola :B Who's here?
TU mejor hermana en todo este fucking mundo..
Che sabes que quiero? que para mis 15 si vos seguis asi todo con esto de la musica que me consigas a Wayne & a Drizzy para que vengan, NO SERIA GENIAL? Aparte seria buenisimo para vos tambien.. *-* no chau ya me ilusione y bueno nada esto chau cagate hacete tus propios posteos U.U a re mala JAJAJAJ. Bueno so i pick the world lock it imma drop it on your fucking head!!! & re que vos no sabes que te estoy posteando pero bueno yes, here i am de una vez por todas n.n y voy a poner un par de fotos tuyas que yo EDITE tan perfectas como siempre obveoh......... y weno nada!!! Espero que te gusten y te sigo posteando mas cosas aquí abajito pues... te odio mucho y sos horrible (L) 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

If you thought I was still in love with you... Forget about it! I got sick of your stuff, your fucking girlfriend, your sicking personality, your way to make me fall like a stupid... Not anymore! 
Now I'm ready to fly, ready for something new, ready for happiness to come to my life, ready for giving love and sharing it with someone who does really love me...
Thanks to you, on Monday I was broken, today I'm feeling perfectly... You can throuw your fucking words to the ocean and let me live peacefully... I can be myself now... But I thank you for making me this for good, now I'm over you, babe.
Imma show you what it means to be loved and love someone, but you.
JIR I'm done with you!
At first, all I wanna do is say 'THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH!!!' to Juanma!!!!!!!!!
I loved what you wrote, I appreciate it a lot!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Belu, Juanma te quiere mucho :)

Oh sorpresa sorpresa! Si si el que te pedia tiempo para que lo dejaras pensar en que poner se decidio a escribirte en el Blog Belu :) No esperes que mi posteo tenga color ni ninguna de esas cosas que hacen vos y tu hermana porque esto no lo manejo asi que simplemente me reservaré a escribir. Escribir justamente, eso que es algo nunca es facil porque tenes que organizar ideas y mas aun se complica cuando uno quiere expresar sentimientos, y a eso le sumo un inconveniente mas que es el tema de que me estoy inspirando doblemente porque paralelo a este posteo está la carta xD Esas cartas que no puedo esperar un segundo mas para entregar yo mismo en persona y en la que me explayaré mas sobre distintas cuestiones en las que profundizo tratando de explicar cosas para las cuales las palabras nunca alcanzan.
Hubo un tiempo en el que por esas cosas no pudimos hablar, pero ahora podemos y estamos haciendo cosas para recuperar el tiempo perdido, y muchas cosas mas nos esperan por vivir. Ahora podemos y no dudo en hacerlo, sabes como es mi mentalidad y eso puede joder un poco a veces pero confio que vos me sepas comprender y tener aguante, o eso espero... Ahora me está pasando xD Quiero pensar en cosas para poner y digo "No no eso ya fue en la carta" "No no, eso mejor ponelo en la carta" jajajaja. Pero igual voy a seguir intentandolo, esforzandome para hacer algo que te guste y valga la pena, pero se que dificilmente lo consiga. Ahora se me ocurrio algo que ya veras que es :o Y ahora te quiero decir que te quiero mucho Belu :$ Que me gusta ser como ese hermano mayor y que hablemos todos los dias por mas que sea poco, vos contandome como se graban las canciones y yo que estoy escuchando y diciendote "Ah es asi como en este video?". O haciendote resumenes de los partidos o hablando de cosas nuestras. En definitiva pasandola bien, poniendole color al dia.
Encima hay cosas en las que coincidimos, pensamientos muy parecidos porque sos madura vos y tenes una forma de ver las cosas distinta a la que tiene el resto de la gente y eso es algo que vale la pena subrayar y fomentar, tu mirada es la que vale y el tiempo y el mundo quizas seguramente te la quieran hacer cambiar pero vos tenes que seguir asi Belu.
Bueno ahora me voy a escribir en el papel mejor, me siento mas comodo ahi xD Disculpame... Y disculpame mas por el posteo este... Espero poder compensarte con algo mejor.
Ah! Y aproposito, eso que se me ocurrio a mitad del posteo fue lo de la broma jajajajaja, cuando leas vas a entender.
Te quiero mucho y estoy feliz de tenerte devuelta en mi vida, y espero que nunca mas salgas de ella (L)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I'll never be the same, if we ever meet again
'Cuz all of the stars have faded away, just try not to worry, you'll see them someday. Take what you need and be on your way, and stop crying your heart out.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

That's what happend when you fall in love with 3 countries at the time.

Hey, there!!! 
It's been a long time since the last time I wrote here!! 
Yes, people, I've been in Europe!!
The best thing about it all was the group... I feel in love with it...They were all argentinians from Chascomús, Buenos Aires!! Can you imagine it? In Europe with people from your place, your province!Amazing, outstanding, perfect!!!
The group was composed by teachers and ex-students from a public school from there. It was absolutely amazing, because they were really cool, really funny people, and even though they were adults it was really cool hanging out with them.
Those were 9 days living with them, in a bus, at the hotel, in a restaurant, in a museum, in a church, basilic, or chapel and at the beach!
 I'll never forget this amazing trip I made with my mum. I've never had as much fun as I had there! Plus, I met incredible people... But the bad thing is I don't have their last names or e-mail adresses to add them on facebook... Maybe they know mine and they add me, but I'm not sure about that... My last name is not as easy to remember as Rodríguez or Fernández... That's the issue. But nevermind, I really wanna see them all again someday, but soon. I miss them.
And it's incredible how 30 people I met and share my time for 9 days, became such close to me. It means I really did have a good time. Plus, there were 2 people, a guy and a woman, who were Estudiantes de La Plata fans! That made it even more amazing... 
Well, the thing is I've stayed in Rome, Nice, Pisa, Barcelona, Zaragoza and Madrid with all this group.
 I wont' forget them, and I really miss them, I don't know why. I hope I can fins at least on of them on FB, haha.
But well, maybe soon I'll visit their city, and I could see some of them... Maybe the younger ones, haha.
 People, I'm really sorry for not writing every day. I've been kinda busy, with no time to write!! 
But now, here I am... As you wanted.

I'll write really soon, 
